General information
- Tourist Information
- Accommodations
- Weather & Climate
- Utilities
- Currency
- Phone, Internet & Postal Services
- Tipping
- Travelling with Disabilities
Usefull information. about the Netherlands
Location of Tourist Information Offices
Official Tourist Informational …
Open daily from 7am – 10pm.
Official Visitor Information Centre VVV at the Central Station
Monday to Saturday, 9am to 5pm; Sunday 9am – 4am
Tourist Information by Phone
Abroad: +31 20 702 60 00
Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm
Tourist Information Touch-Screens
- The Stadsschouwburg Theater Box Office
- Leidlein 26
- Inntel Hotels
- Broek in Water land, Church at Kropelin 13
- Outspan, Het Twisted recreational area
- Althorn, Bookshop located in Backhanded Van Hilton, Wilhelmina ken 41-43
- Zaandam, located at the Inntel Hotel
General Weather & Climate Information
Summer in Holland
Winters in Holland
Book your stay in the Center of Holland
Eekhoornnest Holiday Village has many types of rental accommodations that fit the needs and budgets of vacationers and families of all sizes.
Save 10% on your stay with promo code ‘9047EH’

Homes in the Netherlands typically use natural gas for their central heating facilities in the winter. They also use Gas hookups on their stoves for cooking purposes.
Outlets in the Netherlands are 230 volts, it is recommended that travellers bring with them a convertible power adapter as well as the two-prong plugs with grounding contacts on the side.
Tap water in Holland is generally safe for consumption unless specifically indicated. The tap water is of exceptional quality and is safely consumed by locals and tourists alike.
In the Netherlands, they use the Euro as their form of currency. There are many options of denominations available in terms of Euro coins and bills.
Phone & Internet
Public Phones:
There are public phone options available throughout the Netherlands. Many of the public phones require that a pre-pay card be purchased from local newsstands or post offices. Public phones that are located within close proximity to rail stations require a separate pre-paid card only available directly from railway stations.
Mobile Phones:
There is a high rate of mobile phone usage is the Netherlands and the mobile internet options are of great quality. Be advised that the use of mobile phones while driving is illegal in Holland.
High-speed internet is available throughout Holland. Most coffee shops, restaurants and even public transportation offer free Wi-Fi, however, connection can be limited if there is high use in the area. Also, these local Wi-Fi hotspots do not always offer a secure internet connection.